The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Whither Moonglade?

Ran a dungeon (Stratholm-- live side) with a mostly guild group. It was kind of nice getting a feel for the classic dungeon vibes again. Looking back on it, this was my third dungeon run and it went fairly smoothly with a couple of wipes near the end when we got a bit cocky and patrols overwhelmed the tank and healer. Still, the run gave Magrom significant upgrades for his head and boots.

Afterwards, cleaning out completed quests left me fairly close to level. There were a few "travel to the ends of Azeroth" that were just hogging space in a quest log that stays near to bursting with dungeon, elite, and raid quests, so I opted to do what I could.

One long flight to Darnassus later, Druid Staghelm started me on a long go here, do that series of quest chains. After be-bopping through Daggerear Central, I was given a task to go to... MOONGLADE?

I had actually forgotten about the zone. As far as I was aware, outside the Lunar Festival in retail it held no purpose whatsoever. It always struck me as a waste of a zone and a city and I've long suspected there were plans for it, but they were cut short due to budget or time. A search through Questie's database raised an eyebrow. There were all of 6 quests attributable to the zone. Well, it looks like I'm doing them!

The second surprise was when the Moonglade quest sent me to... SILITHUS? I thought there were no quests whatsoever there yet, but to my surprise there was at least one "feeder" chain that led into it. This short chain had me riding back and forth to kill spectral druids for some reason I probably should have read. The important thing (to me) was that every time you killed something, a level 57-58 wasp would spawn in. Lovely. Fortunately, it was enough to nudge Magrom over to the hump into level 59. Home stretch, baby!

Fast forward through a Silithid-infested tower invasion and I'm winging my way back to Moonglade. With a 13 minute and 13 second flight time, I'm starting to miss the teleportation Strev had. The quest line ended somewhat abruptly with mention of a book that was under some bug goo that was in an ancient version of the Night Elven tongue. My expectation is that after a little while a translation would show up in my mailbox, as it has for several other quests, but alas-- no such love here. It is literally the end of it all. I find that to be a bit... unsatisfying.

I flew over to Winterspring to see if I could ninja 10 frostmaul shards to complete an elite quest there. Testing the waters, I found Fluffers simply couldn't keep up with the damage the Frostmaul Giants were dishing out. Consequently, Fluffers made The Supreme Sacrifice a few times as I gathered rocks a few inches from very one-sided beatdowns, flopping as necessary. In time, I gathered all ten (of course) with minimal fuss.

Of note, in the area I found a satyr named Lorax who only spoke in gibberish. I would love to know what he was yammering on about.

Obviously, he speaks for the trees.

Leaving all of that behind me, I joined a guild group for Strat, live side, which netted me my BiS boots and a near-BiS polearm. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to wield polearms, but a dwarf in Timberline Arms in Ironforge told me I could seek such training in Stormwind. I needed to go there anyway to pick up a quest chain that would eventually pit me against the undead asshole Nathanos, so I was ok with the diversion.

Master Woo Ping *cough* in Stormwind taught Magrom all he needed to know as far as "how to hold a long stick with a bit of metal on the end", but actual proficiency would be left to the battlefield. So, with no skill in my chosen weapon, I went forth to slay "the" Nathaniel Blightcaller.

Major props to Stickman for both the Nathaniel raid invitation and the patience for a few minutes while I got caught up on the quest series to actually do it. The quest rewards a seriously nice wand, bow, or shield-- all of which were quite worthless to me. But Nathaniel? I hate that guy so much. Filling him with bullets was a wonderful end to the day.

Little did I suspect there would be so much more ahead...

(continued tomorrow)

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