The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Monday, October 14, 2019


Bit of a weekend wrap-up this time. I put in my application for, and was accepted by, the guild Willingly Suboptimal. Instead of being the only one of two online half the time, a very healthy population with a number of members running things together daily. It'll be a bit before I'm Ready to Raid, but glad to help out where I can.

Spent a few hours in Un'goro and realized I probably shouldn't have waited so long. Many of the quests are targeted for the 49-51 range and I was able to steamroll through them earning valuable experience in half the-- waitaminute. I guess it wasn't so bad after all! Ran a bunch of quests for the locals and, after finding a crashed rowboat and a nearby pack, started me on a ridiculous Legend of Zelda tribute questline, but I get ahead of myself.

It was about this time one of our mid-50s warriors, Cheerry, asked for some assistance getting attuned for Onyxia. Well, in the words of Our Lord and Savior, Eek the Cat, "It never hurts to help!", so I said "sure". Hilariously, it turns out I had already done the first 9 or so steps of the attunement quest series without realizing it. It starts with the Burning Steppes quests to kill a crapton of elite drakes. This was amusingly enough where I had met up with Jaxthrax some days previous. After turning it in, there was a bit of running about until I had to do a dungeon run, so it had sat gathering dust in my quest log.

Later in the evening we met up to put some hurtin' on the flappy bastids. We had picked up another member and as we killed drake after drake, we picked up a couple of random people for everyone's mutual benefit. By what was probably not a happy coincidence, we had a tank, a healer, and three DPS. Everyone was gung-ho to keep the party rolling, so after everyone caught up to where I was, we headed down to Blackrock Depths to interrogate
and free a prisoner of the Dark Iron dwarves.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of this dungeon. It's a relic of a forgotten era, back in the long ago when developers cared more for the craft than coming up with speed runs. It's a freakin' underground city! After some slight hilarity (I fell in the lava), we trooped in and set about our task to get things done and slaughter everything in our path. For the most part, we did pretty good. We found our prisoner and killed a bunch of evil, evil Dark Iron dwarves. All in all, there were two tricky bits.

The first was the last boss we needed to kill. He comes with two huge golem adds and when the fight starts, if anything aggros the boss itself, he does ridiculous amounts of damage. Here's where it starts getting dodgy. It took us a lot to get through. To compound matters, our healer was a druid. That means they couldn't resurrect-- only battle rez once every planetary conjunction. There was a LOT of corpse running. Like to the point where we're wondering if we should take the rez sickness to repair. Things started to get a little dicey-- we had been in the dungeon so long, the mobs were starting to repopulate. Lovely. Then everything aligned just right and we downed the sucker.

The second part was escorting the prisoner out of the dungeon. That was nightmarish as even after clearing out what we thought was going to be his path (a largish room and a ring of tunnel) it was effectively several very long chain pulls with little chance to recuperate. It was possibly the tensest escort I'd ever seen, but we survived! We bid each other a good night and collapsed after the run.

Flash forward to me advancing my attunement quest by "corpse running" through a cave in Winterspring invested with draconic menaces. At the back was a teleporter that took me to the top of a mountain to speak with a member of the blue dragonflight. She told me I'd need to run a raid in Upper Blackrock Spire to finish empowering the key. Great. While trying to find a way off the mountain, I stumbled back onto the teleporter and got instantly gibbed by a ton of dragons. Opting to take the "10 minute breather", I decided that'd do for now.

I headed back to Un'goro and spent the next 3 hours travelling back and forth on a fun, madcap series of adventures for a gnome who's similar, but legally distinct from, the protagonist of Zelda fame. It's got everything: death, romance, potions, and culminated with a group quest, of course entitled "It's Dangerous to Go Alone". I spent five minutes trying to research if it was possible to solo it, when I flipped back to the game to find someone looking for more to do the very thing! In short order, we had climbed a rocky mountain, dispatched an elemental, and recovered the trifor--glowing thing. For my rewards, Linken gave me a sword and a boomerang. Good times!

Afterwards, I popped my head into neighboring Silithus, but had forgotten that at this point in the original Vanilla, there are no quests there. It's just a bug-infested hellscape until AQ opens during Phase I-Can't-Be-Assed-To-Check.

Heading back to Un'Goro, I received a whisper from a person who needed help with a quest. "It never hurts to help!" Join up, no questions asked and it turned out to be the Dangerous to Go Alone quest again. I love paying things forward.

Ended the weekend in Everlook. Level 55 and ready to womp some yetis.

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