The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Steppe Brother

Next, my wanderings led me from Searing Gorge south through Blackrock Mountain and down to the Burning Steppes. As I rode through the wasteland, which was far more barren than The Barrens and most desolate than Desolace, I was startled by how... empty it was. There were no teeming throngs of murderous hellbeasts waiting to dine on me-- mostly scorpions and wargs hanging a... oh, here they all are.

So it seems there's a few densely clustered packs of hurt scattered around the area. There's a mountain covered in ogres with a tunnel network within and most of the southeastern map has a fairly sizable population of whelps and elite drakes and other draconian entities. Lovely. I found the flight master and a few quest givers nestled up in the mountains. Of course one of the quests would amount to "eradicate all the ogres", but at least I knew where to find those, so off I went.

Ever so slowly I worked my way around the outer ring of the squat mountain, taking on mages and brutes as I went. Fluffers howled nervously. There were a lot of ogres, but several other people were also decimating the populace with aplomb. I began to wonder if I needed to adjust my positioning in case of respawns. As it was I was leapfrogging another person-- when I received a random party invite. I generally don't refuse them, so I found myself teamed with Jaxthrax.

Jathrax was a level 56 Druid who was killing time and ogres before tanking a Strat run for his guild, Willingly Suboptimal. We had a fairly decent level spread between us, but between Fluffers and myself we kept pace with his DPS. I relied mostly on auto-shot to cut back on the time spent recovering mana with a few timely bursts as the situation called for it.

Fluffers likes to think he was the star of the show. Ever since I put my 31st point in Magrom's Beast Master tree, he's been enjoying getting superbuff for a bit every couple of minutes.

Size matters.

After we cleared out the ogres, we dove straight in to clearing out the elite draconian menace. We synergized well as a small team and when he finally had to go, I had made both serious progress on my next level and a friend.

It was a good night in the Burning Steppes.

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