The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Somber and Sober

Legendary Drunk's guild chat was been quiet for several days, with the GM offline for three. Checking into Discord, I found that she along with the former GM had cancelled their accounts in a show of solidarity with Hong Kong's current situation and as an act of protest against Activision/Blizzard's recent pandering to the Chinese government.

I don't intend to use this platform as political soapbox now or ever, but I find it more than a little sad and depressing that fellow players are feeling betrayed by a company that has brought them such joy. I suppose this decade "everything is political" and I should just suck it up and deal.

A call was made for another to step up and take the Guild's reins. Yeah-- thanks, but no thanks. I've led guilds and served in countless officer roles over the years. Absolutely done with it, but I respect those who are selfless enough to take on the mostly thankless tasks of endless mediation, recruitment, and event coordination.

Instead I said my goodbyes and gquit. I may make an effort over the weekend to find a new home, but for now there's things to do.

With less than an hour's play time, about half of it was spent in flight. Very short and simple goals:

- kill the last few evil furbolgs in Felwood to close out a quest
- follow up by crossing over into Winterspring for the first time and pick up the final Eastern Kingdoms flight path.
- grab whatever quests are offered there... two of which were breadcrumbs to Western and Eastern Plaguelands.

Heh. I decided to go ahead and just run those then return to Ironforge and call it a very short night.

The EPL quest was "Deliver this thing to a dude" and it didn't even register that it was a BOOK until I glanced at the quest text to complete. I stopped short of clicking complete and hastily pulled up my inventory. Sure enough, it was a book-book you could read!

"Studies in Spirit Speaking". Cool! Let's see what it says...

I laughed. It's a blatant reference to Ultima Online, one of Warcraft's then-competitors. Dead players could only say "OOOoooOOooo..." and such. The Argent Crusader I was passing it off to mentioned he'd get to work at translating it and I looked again.

Sonofabitch. It's binary. Those cheeky bastards!

Knowing I couldn't possibly have been the first to notice that, I saved myself time and just looked up the translation. It reads "Ultima Online Napa Valley Knights of Chaos". A shout out to his old guild hidden in plain sight. Very clever, unknown quest author.

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