The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Searing Gorgeous

Rather then let myself get stomped on in Jurassic Park, I opted to stay in the Eastern Kingdoms a bit longer and made my over to the Searing Gorge. Quite a while ago I had picked up the flight path at Thorium Point and I was finally of a level that I could actually handle the zone-- quite well, it seemed. I picked up a bunch of "go forth and kill some things and retrieve other things and don't confuse the two" sort of quests and generally ignored them as I explored the area, killing as I went.

The zone itself is really two-in-one. The surface is a rather desolate rocky terrain and a giant quarry/gorge encompasses much of the middle of the zone. There's a ton of elementals, dark iron dwarves, and lava spiders for all your grinding needs. Some elevators allow access to lower ramps and ledges, but by far the most interesting part is the underground. Pits and caves allow you into a fairly substantial underground network of tunnels and caves that give home to hundreds of mining dark iron dwarves, their slaves, and even some flaming dinos. "Incendosaurs", I believe they are called.

"Whateverosaur is more like it"

While bopping around, I joined forces with a random Paladin who was also just exploring and we laid waste to so many dwarves they'll probably never want to join the Alliance. *cough* Anyway, as we progressed we inadvertently finished a number of the kill quests and helped a few other people with killing elites and such. A good time was had by all.

Later, I came back and made an effort to finish the quests that weren't too obnoxious-- the drop rates on some things were just ridiculous and I doubt I'll finish a couple of quest chains, but it got Magrom to level 50, which seemed to be as high as the mobs were in the zone.

Seeking a new place to quest, I then crossed the world to hunt in Felwood, which is a drab intersection of demonic invasion and forests with a green filter for good measure. It's what I consider to be the "original" Fel-tainted area, with its green pools and rampant satyr population. I was at first excited by the prospect of hunting them to extermination and then they taught me the error of my ways.

Turns out, there's a LOT more of them than there are me. Higher level...and stealthed. Like ninja-level stealth, it seems. I started using "flare" so I could see them and they STILL managed to appear out of nowhere with regularity. I am not a satyr-masochist, so I backed off from them to see what else the zone had to offer.

Answer: Timbermaw furbolgs! They start off as hostile, but as you quest to gain their favor, eventually you can get nuetral to them and can pass through their tunnels unmolested to...Winterspring, if I remember correctly. I'm not the only one who wants to be loved in those tunnels and the two main camps of their adversaries were heavily camped by people higher level than I. Rather than fight tooth and nail for a few furbolgs, I fought against tooth and nail, as the zone is packed with wolves, bears, and owls.

It may not be glamorous work, but the bears have decent loot and the wolves have plenty of meat on their bones. As a bonus, the borders of the zone have a number of mithril and thorium nodes. After some time, I achieved level 51 and returned to Ironforge to finish leveling cooking to 300 (Magrom's first capped skill!) and put a few points in Engineering.

Net result? I was able to craft a great trinket...

Party on, McNugget!

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