The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Friday, October 18, 2019


I make no secret that I use a number of add-ons to improve my general quality of virtual life. One of these is Questie, a neat little thing which shows where available quests around your level can be found and (generally) where targets of those quests can be found. Over the last month and change I've become a little dependent upon it. Imagine my horror when after an update it stopped working. Frantically looking and clicking through all of the options to no avail, it wasn't until I fully exited out of WoW and restarted before my word was again populated with happy little exclamation marks on the global map.

During my blind panic, I had discovered a previously-unknown nifty feature Questie had. It had an interface where you could pick a zone and it would tell you which quests you had or had not done for it, total counts of each, who starts them, and its level. Whoa. Hello there, Mr. Gamechanger.

The thing about it is there's tons of quests which are part of a chain and since chains can start anywhere around the world, there's a solid chance you've missed The Important Breadcrumb. I've likely missed out on plenty because, despite everything, I still have a "retail mentality". Despite literally dozens of times this has been false, I STILL tend to think "If NPC Joe wants me to send me to another zone, that's so I know where there's monsters to kill in my level or it'll send me to a new quest hub."

So the one bad thing about Questie's here's-what-you've-missed UI, as I call it, is that it makes no distinction what quests are part of a chain and, if so, whao or what kicks it off. So when I saw I had done far less than half of the quests for Winterspring, it was a matter of finding a quest on the list that sounded interesting, and then alt-tabbing over to Wowhead to find out what chain it belongs to and where to go to start it.

Thus I went from 56 to 57 (mostly) painlessly by playing "catchup" by hunting down seemingly irrelevant people, killing things until a specific gewgaw drops and running around like an idiot. Come to think of it, that's what I do most days, but this time with purpose!

I'm actually a little excited now. I thought I was nearing the end of it all, but it seems there's a lot more loose threads on the tapestry that can be pulled. Let's see what the weekend brings!

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