The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Legging it Hither and Yon

Over the past few days, playtime has been limited (oh, cursed real life!), but Magrom has still managed to eke out another level. The universe really wants to send him into the trollish dungeon of Zul Farrak, but I'm putting that off until the weekend when I have more time that I can spend in a single block.

Instead it's been a bit of meandering to find things I want to grind while completing a few quests along the way. As fortune would have it, while collecting missing flight paths, I stumbled into Azshara, a zone I had completely forgotten about. According to Lore, it was named for Queen Azshara (yes, that former queen of the Kaldorei Empire) by the night elves that survived the Sundering, who I presume were ok with the whole "naga" thing.

The land itself was plagued with satyrs, naga, and such. I marked it as a footnote and I'll return if something makes me, but I left without looking back. The zone felt a little cramped and the main road runs through a naga encampment. Plus, I just really irrationally hate naga. I don't know if it's the animations, the reptilian forms, or what exactly. I can't put my finger on it, but I just plain hate fighting them. Maybe I just prefer my enemies have legs. I'll let my therapist unpack all of that later.

Feralas proved to be a bit more amenable for my hunting. Up and down the coastline I prowled killing water elementals and shrunken giants for a couple of quests. When given an opportunity for a followup doing more of the same, I declined. Not a huge fan of the water elementals either. Nothing good seems to drop from them, they are immune to a number of my attacks and, worst of all, THEY GOTS NO LEGS!

So I moved a bit inland from the coast and found large quantity of bears, wolves and... what's this? OGRES?!

Perfect. Ogres have nice loots, drop cloth, and GOT LEGS. I need to seriously stop obsessing about legs now. Thick, muscular, OGRE legs.

Seriously. Done with that.

But the really nice thing with the ogres is that they are spaced out enough they aren't about to pile on Fluffers and since many of them are casters, they fold like cheap lawn chairs playing high stakes poker.

I think I'll stick with them for a bit and see if I can't reach 47 tonight.

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