The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Forging Ahead

Magrom stood above the forge, silent and tired. He mopped rivulets of sweat away with a soiled rag. Even discounting the trip to Gadgetzan to pick up the last of the needed schemata, it had taken hours and so much gold to finish. So much gold. That was what pained him even in his moment of triumph. He held aloft a thorium bullet. "I'll t' sell lots o' these t' recoup it all.", he muttered.

Dropping the shell into a sack with thousands or others, he grinned wryly, finally allowing himself some sense of self-satisfaction. He knew his skill at Engineering was now unparalleled. He'd spend the evening in the tavern, celebrating the
proper way.

Midway through his fifth ale, his party-of-one was interrupted by a boisterous group of adventurers clamoring at the bar, screaming at Innkeeper Firebrew for "Trick or Treats".
Oh, bugger i' all, Magrom thought glumly. Tha' explains all th' fookin' pumpkins." He decided to deal with that after just another few tankards...
Indeed, the Hallow's End celebration has begun in Azeroth and even though Classic has a very stripped down version compared to retail, it has one major prize everyone wants: 16-slot BoP bags that randomly drop off any undead level 50+. Visions of filling my lots with delightful pumpkin bags delighted me. I'd take the extra bags and use them for my bank. Heck I'd go ahead and buy the rest of the bank slots when that happens. My older non-soulbound bags would be sent to an alt who couldn't farm bags for themselves. It'd be a GRAND ol' time in the Plaguelands.

Except it wasn't. Somewhere in my zeal, I'd neglected to account for the fact the drop rate would be somewhere around the odds of Magrom soloing Onyxia in his skivvies. By the end of the night, I'd not even heard a rumor of anyone getting one of these fabled bags and for my own part I had nearly ground out an entire level in the Plaguelands (both sides) questing and killing so many undead. Well, if nothing else, at least I was earning Argent Dawn reputation.

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