The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


For once I stayed "on task" and Magrom slimed his way to level 48, then stuck around a little longer until his bags filled up. As an unexpected delight, one boneless horror dropped a 14-slot Troll-hide bag. My puny inventory space GROWS! It's now 38 plus the backpack which is much smaller than I'd like, again due to having to surrender a precious slot for ammo (Warlocks are the only others who will sympathize).

After a quick unload at the AH, it was off to Tanaris to wrap up a couple of quests and maybe finally do Zul'Farrak. Along the way in Theramore, Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen trained Magrom in the fine art of making Runecloth bandages. Mind you, I've yet to even see a piece of runecloth, but I find it reassuring I can rip some to shreds the first chance I get.

Arriving in Tanaris, I dashed down to the middle of a map to turn in a breadcrumb quest. The goblin there gave me pair of quests (find 30 things) and a fetch Ratchet. "Sure thing, buddy. Oh, wait! There's a chicken to rescue here!" I booked it over to the inert robo-fowl... only to find I had left the damn quest item in the bank. Again.

For those of you keeping score, this is now twice in one week.

Meh. Screw it, I ran back to Gadgetzan, grabbed the Homing Beacon from my vault and flew to Rachet and back to get this goblin's MacGuffin. After a quick search, it was back to Tanaris to collect 30 "relics" of some sort. While scouring the desert, I stumbled upon the Eastmoon Ruins in the middle of the map, southside. It was home to a farmable number of 45-48 ogres and was apparently relic-central. I stuck around long after my relic count had been reached to restock Magrom's dwindling mageweave bandage supply.

While orbiting the Ruins for the umpteenth time, a cry echoed out over the land "LFM ZF-- need all!" Well then, that's my cue. In short order I found myself in a party with a pair of warriors and a pair of priests. The priest was only level 44, but the tank was level 50, so I assumed this would be a smooth(ish) run...

...and it was! Over the course of a couple of hours we cautiously cleared the bulk of the dungeon with minimal deaths by the lower level warrior. I didn't get any loot from the run itself. The only thing I "need"ed on got won by the same warrior... no harm, no foul, as I'm sure it was an upgrade for him as well. The run provided nearly a half-level's worth of experience and checked off 4 quests and those rewards included my first trinket (+3% mount speed) and a nearly pre-raid BiS ring. Hard to feel bad about that!

Turned in everything I could, escorted the third chicken, and finished the level by making a few more laps around Eastmoon Ruins.

From there it was west to kill a few shambling plant things and collect a "pristine dew gland" for a thirsty goblin that apparently thought that would be preferable to just buying water at the tavern a hundred feet away.

That seems to have wrapped up quests in Tanaris with a pretty bow. Anything lingering requires me to go halfway around the world to advance or... just a little bit west into Un'Goro Crater, The Land Before Time.

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