The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Beware, I Unlive!

Started off the evening by creating my undead rogue on Bloodsail. She was no looker and all of the "good names" were taken. (Stabigail, Stabitha, etc.) My wife provided the suggestion "Stabbyabby" and, miracle of miracles, it wasn't taken. I roamed around the nearly empty starting area of Someplace Forgettable leveling up to level 4 or so before realizing what I was doing was dumb.

You see, not all populations are created equal. Bloodsail is among the the worst when in comes to faction balance. Not overly surprising given that it's not only a PvE server, but an RP one at that. For whatever reason, people who RP are more likely to play Alliance and people who PvP are more likely to roll Horde.

Don't take my word for it, here's the server breakdown from WoWHead:

So for my purposes, small population means stunted economy, fewer people to team with, and generally less of a good time should I ever want to take a rogue into battlegrounds when Phase 3 hits. Well, fewer queues, true, but a quick succession of /who commands showed only 39 level 60s only. WTF? 8 people level 2-6. Ok, this simply won't do.

I looked at the chart and said "screw it". I'll play the PvP server with the most unfair Horde to Alliance balance possible. Is it cheap? Beyond the shadow of a doubt. Do I particularly care? Oh, hell no. I'll be killed a thousand times by Alliance on the road to 60, but I'm certain I'll be avenged ten thousand times over. I recreated my little rogue on Stalagg and this time gave her a name I shamelessly stole from another player on Bloodsail, because I thought it was absolutely delightful: Marrowsweet.

Time to get things started-- again!

Like this, but different.

Breezed through the starting area, because that's how it's designed and made my way to the first of many depressing stops along my anti-hero's journey, the town of Brill. I made it my home base and picked up skinning and leatherworking. I'm going to Do It Right this time! (So, let's see how I screw it up, eh?)

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