The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Tradeskill Interlude

After touring Ashenvale long enough to realize I didn't really want to quest there, I spent some time getting myself "Stranglethorn Ready" or at least that's what I told myself. In actuality, I knackered about with my tradeskills most of the evening.

Mining is now 120, which is in that uncomfortable spot where you can't quite mine iron (125) and to advance you pretty much have to find tin and silver in the wild. I haven't been terribly fortunate in that regards and I may have to find a more mountainous region to farm.

Engineering is faring slightly better, being in the upper 140s. It's still quite a bit lower than I would like it to be, but raising it is costing a lot in opportunity costs. I'm defraying that to some minor degree by selling rifle scopes and bronze tubes (used in a Duskwood quest), but there is still a little too much supply and not quite enough demand for it to be truly viable.

Fishing is around 155 or so-- with a lure, I'm sure I could fish up some Stranglethorn pools, which will be a steady source of food my pet won't eat. The weekly Stranglethorn Fishing contest doesn't exist yet; it will be implemented in a later phase of Classic, so that isn't a consideration.

Cooking is (finally) at 175, but I haven't yet obtained the recipes I need to make level 25 food. I imagine they may be sold in Booty Bay; it's just a matter of getting back down there at this point.

I finally started creating bandages out of my extra cloth-- it's going to be a while yet before these are actually useful and, again, levelling it is costing me what I could be selling the cloth for.

Archaeology remains at 0, because it doesn't exist.

I've nearly finished off the last of the Duskwood quests. I spent a little bit of time killing worgen in the woods and a cave full of ogres before utterly failing to solo a level 32 ghoulish boss named "Stalvan". I'm going to actually miss this place in another level or two when I formally move south to Nesingwary's camp. I'm now 1 bubble shy of level 28, which is the earliest you can pick up his "kill all the animals" quests. Unfortunately, the great inventory suck quest of "The Green Hills of Stranglethorn" doesn't unlock until 30.

Pages for TGHoS drop off pretty much any random mob, they don't stack, and there's 16 different pages to find, if I remember correctly. The idea was to foster communication and trades between players to complete the quest, but it is really just a miserable experience all the way around. I think that I'll either run Gnomeregan or grind out the worgen until 29 to minimize the amount of time I have dead inventory.

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