The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stranglethorn Fever

This will likely be the last regular update for a short while-- going on a vacation without internet for a week and change. This delights a fellow guildie who's been nipping at my heels in an informal race to 60 and my current 7 level advantage will become a deficit by the time I return, particularly since he's also taking a few days off from work. Such is life.

With gun and wolf both locked and loaded, Magrom strode out of Booty Bay with a full quest log and a determination to murder things wot needed murdering. For the most part, this went exceptionally smoothly. When approached one (or two) at a time, the local wildlife proved to be non-threatening. Kill 30 gorillas to get a handful of "giblets" to scare a local, check. Kill 30 naga to get a dozen weeds, done. Kill a few dozen pirates to get 15 piles of snuff, sure thing. Classic is nothing, if not predictable… until it isn't. I had forgotten about "Stranglethorn Fever".

In order to get a fever cure for a local resident, I was asked to contract the services of a local witch doctor (It was either that or go "out of network" and no one wants to do that.) to summon a gorilla and extract its heart. This, of course, comes with a catch-- you have to kill gorillas to get 10 fangs or some such nonsense to perform the ritual and, wouldn't you know it: apparently most of the gorillas are apparently trying to gum me to death.

After finally performing enough freelance dentistry to make Hermey proud, I went to a cave and waited for the respawn.

Silver and gold...AND TEETH

Eventually, I saw the witch doctor, he told me what to do. He said, "Ooh! Ee! Ooh! Ah! Ah! Ting! Tang! Walla-wa--GET THESE &#$@ING MONKEYS OFF ME!"

Oh Classic and your deceptive quest logs. Group quests aren't labeled as such and just because a quest is "yellow" does NOT mean it is scaled properly for you. What followed was a slaughter as wave after wave of apes stormed into the tiny cave hellbent on killing, me, the wolf, and the shaman. Fluffers and I barely survived the first wave as the larger wave two with a named mob (that was NOT the quest target) poured in and over us. I alone survived by fleeing the cave and flopping. I'd need ten more fangs to reattempt Custer's Last Stand. Screw that.

Instead I busied myself with other tasks… collecting trollish-zombie elixirs, debt collecting for a local low-life, and a few other miscellaneous tasks that wound up with me grouping due to either it being an elite boss or to keep from competing with other players for kills over a small stretch of land. As a general rule of thumb, Hunters are the only class whose efficiency actually drops when teamed, because of having to share the xp with others. This works well for anti-social people like myself.

Throughout ALL of this, I kept getting page drop for The Green Hills of Stranglethorn, the killer of inventory slots. It has 15 separate pages and by the time I'd wrapped up what I was going to get done for Booty Bay, I had collected 12 of them. 23 silver at the neutral auction house later, I was riding up to visit Nesingwary's camp fully loaded…. 15 sheets to the wind, you could say. Even green and at level 44, the quest provided a metric ton of experience and pushed me firmly into the first bubble for level 44.

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