The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sew what?

One of the things I neglected to mention was that I went "99% Zyrial" late last week (Never, ever go 'full Zyrial') and dropped Skinning for Tailoring. This is simply so I can conveniently turn the vast quantities of cheap AH linen into Tidestone Bracers (Kul Tiran Tailoring level 1).

This is the equivalent of taking 22g worth of materials and (assuming it doesn’t crit) turning it into a 21g trash vendor item. Naturally, I then bought 20k worth of linen, because the solution here is to make up for it in volume.

So what does one do with literally a thousand bracers? Why, disenchant them of course for that sweet, sweet dust. Having ground out the Enchantment Rod that gives bonus mats, each green bracer yields between 8 and 13 dust, averaging about 10. With dust selling reliably between 4.8-7g each, this becomes a windfall in and of itself. The rare and epic shards from the blue disenchants are pure gravy.

So how much dust we talkin' here? It really comes down to "how much time am I willing to spend pushing my 'disenchant' macro. (read: 1.5 hours) …yielding in the neighborhood of 40k gold profit for minimal work while I watch youtube videos.
Read: between 40-60 kilodust.

While this could have been a third of another month's game time, I instead plowed the ill-gotten wealth back into feeding the pet addiction, which has now finally broken the 800 mark.

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