The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Don't Panic!

Hit level 42 while questing in Feralas. It started to rain. It was a hard and constant downpour that lasted for well over an hour. After a while and a number of deaths trying to solo something that was decidedly group content, I was ready to quest somewhere else.

As luck would have it, the follow-up quest was in Darnassus, a place that I already had a mission to visit. Well, yay. It was only…6 zones and two ferry rides away.

For once, providence dropped a mage in my lap as literally a minute later in BFE (Bum-fuck Elvish), I hear for the FIRST time in game. "Anybody want to buy a port to Darnassus? Ironforge? Stormwind? 25s, but tips are great!" Ah yes-- portals are one of those spells that require reagents to cast. 20s, if I remember. I met up with him and gave him 50s (fer me an' th' wolf!) and a minute later I was surrounded by pointy-eared treehuggers.

As an aside, the questing is all over the place in Classic. More times than not, I'd be happily grinding mobs somewhere and someone would come running up wanting to know if I was also on Quest Something-I'd-Never-Heard-Of. Well, of course not, because that's step three of some five part quest that starts on the other side of the world. In this case, one quest turn in was "Ok. Cool, I guess. We already knew this. Feralas is screwed." and the other wanted me to go to Gadgetzan to pick up a thing to trade for a book I needed for…reasons.

Ok…fine. I've already dinged and I've got time to kill. There's the flight path…and OF COURSE it isn't connected to any other path I know. Classic, man. You can't fly past points you haven't connected. Great. I take the ferry to Auberdine in Darkshore, which was a bit more pleasant than I made it sound, then took a hippogryph from Auberdine at the top of the map to Gadgetzan on the far southeast.

Twelve minutes, thirty five seconds.

I should've gotten peanuts for the trip. In Gadgetzan, my contact refused to give me boo unless I did a favor for him… of course… in the Hinterlands on the far east side of the other continent. Hmm… soon. While I was in the neighborhood I killed a few rocs for fun and eggs. The eggs sell easily for 40s and up on the auction house and it's like a 39% drop rate, so it doesn't hurt to brake for feathers.

As a bonus, one of my quests earlier rewarded me with a Very Nice Dagger I barely knew how to use. Well, no time like the present...

and so on and so on....

Stopped off at IF on the way to the Hinterlands to restock my supplies and call it a night.

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