The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Arathi Khan

After exploring a bit of Hillsbrad around the coastal city of Southshore, everything finally clicked. Hillsbrad itself is a fairly low-level area, but the quest hub serves the entire tri-state area, as they were guiding me north into Alterac Mountains and east into the Arathi Highlands. Right then!

First I headed north to confront members of the Syndicate and a bunch of bloodthirsty yeti and ogres. Exploring the side of a mountain, I saw several nodes of beautiful ore. As I raced to each, a tauren riding a kodo raced me to each, beating me handily. For a half-second, I wished it was a PvP server so I could teach this jerk a lesson by--oh yeah, by dying horribly to him, since he's obviously at least 5 levels higher. I'd just have to mine elsewhere.

As I circled the area, I found myself up against a small wall placed into the side of the mountain. Odd, but there was a small gap I could hop through, so I did. I slid down a short hill into a ruined city (Alterac, proper) packed with elite ogres about 3-4 levels higher than I was. Oh, this would end well.


Barely escaping, I realized I'd have to go back in to secure a book for a quest. Terrific. Fortunately, I had a plan. I'd run in sans Fluffers and flop in the doorway. Summon fluffers to distract the Big Bad level 40 elite guarding the bookcase, grab the book, and be out lickity-split. Most of this plan worked flawlessly. Most.

What I wasn't counting on was halfway through the operation a well-meaning idiot running in and trying to save Fluffers. Oh god. It was a paladin...and pulled aggro off the wolf. "Run past! Get the book!", I yelled. Fluffers continued a tug of war for the attention of the ogre. "Seriously! Just grab it and go!"

The paladin replied, "Oh. I don't need it. I was helping YOU!" Oh, for the love of-- ok. We'll do it the hard way. Gun blazing, we took down the ogre, with my valiant savior surviving with a wisp of health. I thanked him for his assistance and we parted ways...mostly because I then got killed by another ogre.

My next quest took me east into Arathi to investigate rumor of a new plague. This is a fun little series of quests I half-remembered that involves jumping a pack of baddies to kill a courier, then culminates in an escort mission through an orc village. For these I teamed up with a rogue who was also looking to complete them and they went smoothly for the most part. It was a little harrowing when add after add jumped us, but fortunately the escortee was a pretty capable druid in her own right and the novelty of not having to trotside along an infirm idiot was a nice change of pace. (At least that's what Fluffers told me.)

Best of all, the side trip showed me where I could find a giant unspoiled field of raptors and spiders ripe for conquest. Spacious enough that solo fights are a breeze and not so spread out that I'd have to run vast distances between battles. Finished the evening at 36.

New skills are now 1g26s each and I'm being even more selective about my purchases. With that whole "level 40" closing in fast, I'm starting to seriously doubt I'll have mount funds before 42.

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