The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Going Whole Hogger

Last night my adventures played out like a Lord of the Rings movie: brief bouts of intense action, but mostly hours of walking. This isn't a bad thing.

Because there are no quest markers of any kind on maps, I rely on my memories of where things might be, the quest text that says where things should be, and, when all else fails, an internet search for where things actually are. I try to save the last for the most dire of circumstances. I'm an Explorer at heart (at least according to Bartle), and if some quest chain wants to send me from Elwynn to Stormwind to Loch Modan, then by Magni's not-yet-diamond beard, I'm going to take a twenty minute detour.

Very little sold in the AH, netting me a single silver. This barely covered the listing fees for everything else. Auctions can only be for 2, 8, and 24 hours, so I was already getting a mailbox load of disappointment. Consequently, I've been vendoring all of my skins and plants and am waffling on trading herbalism for blacksmithing and skinning for mining. I may wear leather now, but I'll get mail at level 20, if I remember correctly… and it certainly wouldn't hurt to be able to craft my own ammo. Spent all of my hard-earned coin on weapon upgrades and I'm now only slightly behind the level curve.

Otherwise, I've been helping keep the peace in Elwynn Forest. The guards keep trying to send me to the border to go somewhere else, but they seem conflicted as to which border. I think the main goal is to keep me away from Goldshire's Inn long enough to turn it into Moon Guard 2.0. So I busied myself with the tasks at hand I was too weak for the previous day.

That's how I found myself standing in a pumpkin patch with several pigs bearing down on me. One on one, I could likely have taken Princess but the two "escorts" that come with her cleaned my clock. After recovering my corpse, I watched the pigs patrol for a couple of minutes. Nearby a couple of people were separately standing around, facing Princess and not attacking anything. I recognize this immediately for what it was. Everyone needs the same thing, but no one wants to shoulder the burden. I chide myself, "Be the group you want to be." I sent out invites and a minute later the three of us are makin' bacon. Another person runs up just as we're finishing and I stick around to help them finish as well. It's a good feeling to help.

A half-hour later, it took four of us to down Hogger. The first attempt was just a mage and myself and it went… poorly. The mage disconnected rather than run back. Fortunately, the area itself had numerous people hunting gnolls for a quest to collect armbands and "LFG Hogger" and "Hogger LF 2 more" was often heard. Still, a death to Hogger is a true Classic experience.

I think tonight I'll try my luck in Westfall.

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