The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Let's Make Some Money

Did the usual gamut of daily PvPs and a handful of quest dailies over the weekend. I've now hit Exalted with both of the new factions, so there's no drive to go full bore with them anymore-- just target a few rare monsters that potentially drop mounts and pets and maybe collect a few McGuffins towards gear upgrades. Raided and went 7 of 8 again-- we tried the final boss a few times and she's nuts by any stretch of the imagination. 4 phases, 2 intermissions, and so many mechanics the "sum up video" for her is nearly 13 minutes long. We got her to 59%, but my god-- it was all the hell combined. We're extending our lockout so next week so we are ONLY fighting her for 6 hours. We'll see how that goes.

Over the past month I've picked up a terrible addiction. Well, moreso than Warcraft itself. It's pet collecting. A few hundred here, a few thousand there… it's adding up quickly. I haven't been going all "gung ho goblin" at all since my return, living on my fortunes of years past and now, I was finally down to 250k after contributing 10k to guild feasts and raiding support. Raiding is an expensive hobby when you don't have solid professions backing them. An average night is about 3k worth of consumables plus raid food. On Moon Guard I don't really have a support network of alts. Canna is mining/herbs and Strev himself is Skinning/Enchantment, but honestly this expansion has been pretty rough on most trade professions-- there's not that many things to enchant/gem/enhance. Competition over the few things that can be made is fierce with finished products often costing less than the mats to make them.

If only I could leverage my other alts, I thought before it all clicked. Pets. The one thing that was draining my coffers could start filling them once more. All pets are account bound. You can buy them on one server and sell on another. After a little delving, I found a website that was devoted to the pet market. This thing is slick. Enter your character and it will tell you what pets you're missing can be found on the AH… with the best prices for bid/buy on every server on which you have characters. Switch to "sell" and you can get the value of all your pets if you want to sell-- and filter to only duplicates. Muahaha! Wait-- THERE'S MORE? You can compare 2 realms to see what the potential profits would be for buying on one server specifically to sell on another. Oh lord, yes.

Pet shopping became "prong one" of my attack. In no time I had Anyth (Whisperwind) and Strevnor (Moon Guard) filling the void between worlds with feathers and fur. No undercutting by coppers here. Wholesale anti-gouging by being 40% off my competition. People think they are getting a deal when I am getting 2000% profit in some cases. For my troubles, I netted about 40k.

Prong two was cornering the market on certain raid flasks. Flasks and raid consumables have a definite cycle and Sunday should have been an expensive day. The average cost for a flask was 450g. It costs around 700g to make them. So naturally I bought every last damn one of them and listed them for 725 - 850 per unit in stacks of 5. By the end of the day, another 40k profit. Not bad for having no idea how to cork a bottle.

The final prong was something I like to call "fishing while waiting for everyone to buy my grossly overpriced flasks and underpriced pets". Fish in Nazjatar come in two flavors only. "Crappy", which are worth 11g per cast and "NICE!" which are much more. On Moon Guard, that 'much more' is 60g. On Whisperwind, that's 110g. Unfortunately, my only max level still on that side is Anythe (my horde mage). Ok. I'll have her fish and buy pets with profits-- kick those back to Strev, who is also fishing but for a different reason.

Strev has done all of the Mechagon stuff to death and can create the ultimate raid food (Famine Evaluator And Snack Table) or 'F.E.A.S.T.' for short. They require spare parts from Mechagon to manufacture and about 1k worth of fish (at Moon Guard prices), but sell for 3.8k each. *cracks knuckles and whips out a pole*

When the dust settled, Anythe fished up and sold 12k worth of fish and Strev has 20k worth of tables sitting on the Auction House waiting for buyers. If they don't move today, they will on Wednesday. That's when prices always spike.

After pulling in another 10k in miscellaneous auction sales, in one day, I earned well over 100k gold and have a large personal stockpile of flasks and raid chow even if nothing else sells.

God it feels good to goblin again.

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