The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Proudmoore Keep on Burnin'

Left a mage job in Gnome City
Castin' in Gnomeregan e'ry night and day,
And I never lost one moment of sheepin'
Worryin' bout Theramore's kin'

But we'll keep on yearnin'
For Jaina who keeps bein' spurned an'
Trolled and trolled and bein' sold up the river…

Wiped a lot of times in Uldir,
Didn't stand in fires, but still the tanks cried,
But I never topped the DPS charts,
'Til I ran Alterac and nuked far and wide

But I kept on yearnin'
For Jaina who keeps bein' spurned an'
Trolled and trolled and bein' sold up the river…

So I went down to the river,
Walked among the shadows; found Jaina inside
There she stood haunted, hounded by the troubles,
Burdens that she's carried since the day Arthas died…

So I finished up the Jaina Proudmoore stuff with just the Very Final Quest to go, which is (of course) a new dungeon. It promises to be nifty in a manning a city under siege sort of thing. Disclaimer: nifty in a WoW sort of way. I'm fully expecting it to fall MARATHONS short of the actual city-under-siege Epic Battle content I played in Lord of the Rings Online. (For all of its faults, some things they did incredibly well.) The earlier Jaina rescue portion was well-handled and blended cut scene and story throughout a single player instanced scenario. It really struck home how much emotional baggage she's been carrying and internalizing since the days of Warcraft III. All in all, I wound up liking a character I hated and liking a character I loved even more.

Nice work, ActiBlizzard-- you get one point for this, but I'm sure you'll screw something else up soon to make up for it.

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