The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Like a Month to the Flame

For fun, I stoked my masochistic side and posted my DK story to reddit's /r/wow community. Some people "got it" and told me I made their day and other railed against the "shitposter" with his passive-aggressive whining. When all was said and done, I walked away with probably fewer internet karma points, 2 months of Reddit gold (thanks again, guys!), and a genuine offer to help my lackluster DPS. For all my joking around, I really do want to up my game, so I took the Kind Soul up on his offer.

After a few private messages, I've installed Boomkinator (a nice addon for tracking DOT timers and other rotation reminders) and enabled combat logging. A few gear upgrades and a bit of practicing and I'm now hitting 160k DPS against raider combat dummies. Rawr! I'm actually eager to see how that translates into a live fight. At some point I may even remember I originally intended to use Sun as a healer.

Otherwise, a month since I've re-subbed has come and gone. I know this primarily due to the polite email I got from Blizzard letting me know that my time was nearing completion and would I please consider paying them moneys? Ha ha, Blizzard. Not when I'm sitting on a mountain of gold and you're selling tokens.

At my lowest gold point, I was down to about 170k on Strev, after binging on the initial token and a like amount on gear and things to improve his overall quality of life. Since then, I've probably spent another 60k on "incidentals", bar tabs, hookers, and blow. (Unrelated: a quick trip to Moonguard's Goldshire has shown that nothing there has changed in a few years.), so that puts my "balance" at 110k gold or, if you prefer, about 3 months' worth of WoW tokens before my earnings.

Full disclosure: I have not been goblining it up, not by a longshot. Strev has primarily sold the dust and shards he's earned by disenchanting quest rewards. He's made about 8k profit on glyphs, which is a drop in the bucket compared to Sun. Sun, being Herbalist/Skinner has been making mad bank doing what I've always considered the Least Effort gold farming: picking up anything not nailed down. Herbs fetch 70g a piece and many nodes spawn 4-5 at a time. She's done a handful of "herb circuits" but at no point have I ever said, "Today I'm going to spend hours farming plants for sale". My first week or so was leveling Strev past Draenor the second was exclusively Strev's March to Max Level, so Sun has been part timing for less than a couple of weeks. So what does that translate to?

Current cash on hand: 393k. Good lord, that's around 10k a day just futzing around. Went ahead and bought another token for 35.5k, then dumped 10k into our guild's weekly lottery to help drum up ticket sales. Still it begs me to ask, how do some people stay broke in this game?

From a character development standpoint, Sun is rapidly catching up to Strev and has already surpassed him in base weapon level, due to some nice World Quest relic drops. What's keeping Strev from being relegated to "alt" status is primarily how much work I've done on his quest line completions and reputation gains. A lot of it is significantly "pain in the arse" that I don't particularly want to do it again on an alt in less than a month. Otherwise, things like achievements, pets, toys, and mounts are shared across characters so besides some gated content, there's no real "penalty" for changing it up.

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