The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Worgen Trail

Short night for active playtime due to guild event WoW trivia participation. I was surprised at how much useless crap I remembered from way back, in the Long, Long ago.

"I'll take GRGMMRGL for $500, Alex."

Otherwise, Sun inched her way to 102 and when she made it, I left in the middle of a quest to save some blue dragon from a horde of zombie-elves to teleport back to my class hall. Sure enough, I was offered a quest to recover another artifact and I can imagine Sun grabbing a druid by the fur screaming, "THE SCYTHE OF ELUNE! GIMME! GIMME! GIMME!" With it, I could finally DPS-level my way up painlessly.

"Well, sure thing, Onsunshine! We've been keeping it in Duskwood. Just go over and pick it up."

"Things are never that easy. Someone's going steal it at the last minute, or it'll be in a dozen pieces and we'll all have a laugh at my expense while I go about reforging the damn thing, or to activate it, I'll need blood from the Blizzard Marketing team, or--"

"No, really. It's cool. We've been guarding it for a while. That whole 'The Scythe released the worgen curse on Duskwood thing'? Yeah, we're all over that."


"Cross my heart."

"Fine. But just so we're clear, I don't trust you."

Getting a portal to Duskwood is no problem: the druid class hall has portal to all of the 'druidy woodsy' areas from all expansions, including Grizzly Hills, Duskwood, Mount Hyjal, etc... basically nowhere anyone in their right mind would find useful in any way whatsoever.

I arrive and am presented with the Scythe of Elune, only to have its bearer backstabbed by a worgen rogue, who steals it and rides off.

Sun rolled her eyes, kicked the corpse and tells the portal "Told you so." From there, it was a tracking and hunting quest which led me across Duskwood and into Deadwind Pass, and finally to Karazhan itself as apparently it was "returned" to Karazhan's basement. Basement dwellers in Wow. Who would have guessed?

The quest was designed for a balance druid and would surely require special abilities that only they had. I, of course, went in as Resto as I had no other weapon. Long staircase full of terrors was dispatched (slowly) and one hallway later I encountered my metaphorical brick wall: a long swath of impassable floor that was the result of Some Dude at the other end channeling a spell. It was a "2 brain cell" test for Balance: cast Solar Beam at the enemy to disrupt the cast. The game was worried when I hadn't solved the "puzzle" after a moment and told me in giant friendly letters "Cast Solar Beam at the caster to disrupt the spell!" It even went so far as to show me a picture of the icon that I, as a Resto, didn't have. I was certainly not going to change specs. Playing the game as intended would be cheating.

The caster was immune to all damage spells and the patch of crap was probably at least 15 yards or so long. My only ghetto interrupt, a cone called Typhoon, covered nowhere near that distance. Waitaminute. What if I subvert the entire puzzle? I checked my talents and, sure enough, I had chosen one called "Displacer Beast". It puts you in cat form, gives you a hellacious short speed boost, and most importantly teleports you 20 yards forward. MUAHAHAHA!

*BAMF!* I teleported past the Floor o' Doom and landed at the mage's feet. I had intended to just keep running, but apparently a few hundred pounds of Surprise Cat was enough to break his concentration and I had to whittle him down. A few more encounters later, I faced down the Basement Dweller and claimed the Scythe! I switch over to Balance to admire it.

Oh, Yeah!

I hearth back to Dalaran and catch a flight back to where I was last questing. As I begin my decent, I yell out "NOW WITNESS THE FIREPOWER OF THIS FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL BOOMKIN!"

Ah, hubris. Remember the dragon I left at the start of all of this? Turns out he was at the flight point. I get dropped in the middle of a phased high-pitched battle and am covered in zombies by the time my ride vanishes.

Ironically, I probably could have survived if I had stayed Resto.

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