The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Resto Chango!

I was a bit excited for Onsunshine's career path so, after picking up a crate of burned food from the chef he training under, I left Strev meandering the streets of Dalaran or whatever he does whenever I'm not controlling him-- I presume it involves slight of hand and nightelven women. Time to get "Sun" rising!

So with unbridled enthusiasm, I began my quest for the RestoDruid artifact, the Stick of Truth. (Well, they called it 'G'Hanir, the Mother Tree', but why quibble?)

The quest itself was ludicrously easy. Part 1 was remove a debuff from an elf and prowl around in stealth a bit. Part 2 was the "keep your team alive!" bit that was fun. You're given a party of NPCs and you have to keep them healed while they do battle with a demon. Much like the mage quest, it is impossible to fail, which removes any real sense of accomplishment. Any teammate you let hit 0% just stays in a "can't fight" state until you heal them again. So, yay-- with stick in hand, I'm named "Archdruid" and am let loose on the world at large to heal my foes into oblivion. Damn it.

The nice thing about the mistakes I make is that I never actually learn from them, so I get to experience them over and over again, like that hot chick from Finding Nemo.

Don't judge.

In this case, I'm now an undergeared fresh 100 whose only hope to get gear is to quest around in a healing spec because I can't use my weapon in other specializations. I'll get a chance to get the Balance weapon so I can "professionally Moonkin between dungeons" in a couple of levels, but in the meantime... yeesh. Once again, I train for a marathon by breaking my legs.

I decided to follow the same questing sequence as Strev at the beginning and worked a bit through Azsuna confirming that leveling this way is going to be somewhat tedious. On the plus side, although fights might take forever, there's very little chance of me actually dying. Also, I had forgotten the simple thrill of gathering herbs and ripping the skins off things. A couple of times, gathering gave me quests that sent me back to Dalaran to gain skills I thought I already had, for example: Legion Skinning: Skin the beasts of the broken islands. Well, I'm fairly certain doing just that was how I got the quest to-- oh, forget it. There was probably something patently obvious to the rest of the universe I'm missing, so I just went back and continued happily ripping skins off things.

Ended the evening at 101 and with my small bounty of plants and animal bits on the AH. I'm still torn right now as to whether it is more profitable to have Strev mill the plants into ink or not for his glyphs. Milling herbs are way too much like lotto tickets and you will usually get less overall than what you can get by auctioning the plants straight up, even accounting for the 5% AH cut. I'll need to do the math later; it just horks me off to no end when I hear people say something "is free if you farm the materials yourself".

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