The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Completely Unprofessional

Over the course of the past week I finished out the leveling content in the four world zones dedicated to it. I really appreciate the way Blizzard has done their dynamic scaling, so not only are the zones themselves more non-linear, but it is no longer "do this zone and then that one" throughout the experience. Yes, you'll want to ride every ride in the theme park, but there's no longer a sense of "if I don't do this NOW, I'll have out-leveled it and the rewards will be crap". I have almost nothing but praise for the dynamically scaling monsters and loot offered. "Almost nothing?", you say. The only drawback I see is there's little sense of "Look how powerful I am! *STOMP STOMP STOMP* RUN, MORTALS!" If anything I felt I was barely keeping pace with the content which was, after all, the point of it.

In the midst of it all, I joined the guild "Impractical Jokers" by virtue that their GM chatted with me directly when I randomly ran into him questing, as opposed to spamming me with a generic message using an addon that hunts for non-guilded people. (By and large, Mature Content was the worst offender there. I think I was pinged and auto-invited somewhere in the neighborhood of a dozen times.) This would be the second time I've joined a guild whose name was based on a TV show I'd never seen or heard of until that point. (The first being 'Fairy Tail' in Tera.) Nice people; it should be a positive experience.

On a more economic note, it seems the value of gold has dropped significantly since my last run through and a few hundred thousand gold is no longer the fortune it was. Not entirely unexpected, but now that I have my first character at max level, I'll need to start up my auction house goblining properly. Just screwing around for a bit, flipping a couple of bracers needed for a questline and buying greens to disenchant netted me around 30k profit. I see why they upped the max gold limit to 10M. It's good to have goals.

Strev's professions are Inscription and Enchanting and at this point I'm thinking Inscription may be a terrible waste. Enchanting has always been (and continues to be) a steadfast moneymaker, but with the major/minor glyph system removed from the game since The Old Times, I'm not really sure how scribing measures up against simple gathering skills, particularly since I'll be out in the field more doing world quests. I've been collecting recipes as I find them for both professions, but so far there's been nothing worth the component cost to make. More research will be needed.

The alt brigade may fare a little better, but I dread re-learning a second class before I get the mage properly in gear. I'm still outputting mediocre damage in normal dungeons and I find myself running through mana faster than I should; extended fights are terrible. Again, research is needed.

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