The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Several Dozen Things (part 1)

...and, as promised, several dozen things you can do to make money, based on professions:


1. Farm frostweave cloth more effectively for sale. Get the Northern Cloth Scavenging skill and farm packs of Converted Heroes in Ice Crown (west side, towards the middle). (Side bonus: these guys also may drop Books of Glyph Mastery that currently sell for hundreds no matter what server you're on).

2. Bags, bags, bags. Bored people roll alts. Those alts need bags. Bags will always net a steady supply of coin. (Remember, it usually isn't about making "one big score". It's a lot of little transactions that get you to your goals!)

3. Frill items for transmogrification! Look for items that look 'sexy' and supply the demand! You don't have to live on a RP Server to make money selling Black Mageweave and similar items. The nice thing about the internets is there's always a steady supply of pervs with money.


4. Look for greens and better on the AH that would be worth more as dust or shards and bid or buy them out depending on expected returns.

5. Abyssal shatter! When abyss crystal supplies are high and cheap, buy them up and use abyssal shatter to reduce them to huge piles of infinite dust and greater cosmic essences.

6. Don't forget your roots. Use The Undermine Journal and price out enchantments that are a) Best in Slot for heirloom gear b) Useful from the previous expansion or c) A serious pain in the ass to get. Bonus points if it covers all three.

7. Make and sell those rare enchantments for the current expansion. List these Tuesday nights to maximize traffic from raiders getting new gear.


8. Do the Stormwind daily. Mind-boggling fast, rewards decent coin, and if is is a daily that requires nightstone, jasper, or zephyrite, sell the appropriate stone in convenient bundles of three in the AH (never more than 6 stacks at a time, 12 hours, check for undercutters periodically, but don't cancel your auctions...just put a few stacks of 3 under theirs.)

9. If you don't need or want tokens for recipes, DO THE DAILY ANYWAY for a chimera eye every day. On most servers this presently equates to getting an extra 100-150g for doing one measly daily. Let that sink in. You can get over a hundred gold for selecting ten nearby people and dousing them with stardust.

10. Be on the lookout for cheap uncommon gems that can be turned into jewelry and snatch them up, particularly if you have access to an enchanter.

The Shuffle: (JC + Enc = $. JC + Enc + transmute-specced Alchemist = $$$.)

11. Do the shuffle. You will need to enlist an Enchanter if you don't have one. If you don't have one, it's worth leveling up for this one reason alone. Stupidly simple and makes a fortune: buy cheap ore on the AH. Prospect it all into gems. Curse when you get zephyrite. Nightstone, alicite, hessonite, and jasper gets made into jewelry. The jewelry is then dis-enchanted and either made into scrolls for sale, or to sell as raw enchanting materials.

Carnelians should either be sold on the AH or if you have access to an alchemist with a transmute spec, should be converted to inferno rubies, which are then cut and listed on the AH.

I can't emphasize how incredibly well the shuffle has worked for me.


12. Always use your transmute cooldown. Always. Even if you're not making truegold, converting 15 life into 14-16 more desirable volatile will mean at least another 100g a day for all the time it takes to enter a portal, use your cooldown, and hearth back to Stormwind. Just check the AH to see which volatile is selling the highest and if it is Fire, go to Hyjal; Earth, Deepholm; Water, Vashj'ir; or Air, Uldum. By this token, if you're standing around Stormwind selling your cooldown for less than 100g, you're screwing yourself out of money.

13. Use OTHER people's cooldown's. As we learned above, there's a set value a CD is actually worth, relative to the difference between the cost of Life and the rarest volatile of the day. If people in trade are offering to sell their CD for much less than you stand to gain by selling the results on the AH, take them up on it.

14. Sell your CD indirectly. If truegold is the CD flavor of the day, get a piece of truegold in advance. Offer in trade to sell truegold for "mats plus tip", then trade them the truegold you already have. Use your own cooldown later and if you get that lucky x5 proc, well...that's a free 2k gold without having to argue with someone over whether they should be entitled to the extras from your proc.


15. Belt buckles. Keep a supply going for Tuesday nights and weekends. This isn't going to make a a fortune, but a little bit here and there certainly helps.

16. Stormforged shoulders and several other pieces can be DE'd for heavenly shards. If ore is cheap on your server, this can mean a few extra coins along the way.

17. Enchanter rods. There is a small but consistent need for rods through an expansion's life cycle, but a heavy demand when new races and classes are introduced. It takes very little effort to be the primary provider of these on most smaller servers.


18. Only farm top end skins. Yes, there's money to be had monopolizing medium and thick leathers (because, like wool cloth...people tend to blow past this content very quickly), but for sheer gold to time invested (and time is money, friend) stick to the flavor of the moment.

19. Know where to farm your leather. The following are amazing places of infinite leather and, as a bonus, you may get extra leather scavenging other people's quest kills: the spiders around the center of Tol Barad Peninsula, the crocodiles just west of Tol Barad keep, the spiders in the western part of the firelands (accessed by the dailies).


20. If you smelt it, they will come. When practical, convert ore to bars and enjoy a little added coin for your trouble. Pay attention to ore prices and know your market before playing extensively here. Expect bars to make a jump the week after 4.3 hits due to raiders switching to Blacksmithing without picking up mining.

AH Flipping

21. Flip things on the AH when you are reasonably sure you will be able to get 20% or more on the sale. Your snatch lists should include various enchanting supplies, ores, gems, herbs, and cloth, regardless of whether you can actually use them in your profession or not. Warning: Never flip any finished goods that can be mass produced for cheap by someone else (scrolls, belt buckles, etc.). You've just given your competition enough money to make another to sell at the lower price as well as a profit. That's BAD.

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