The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Setting Reasonable Goals

Goals. Everybody has 'em (except a certain local sports franchise). They may be short-term goals or long-term goals, but you should plainly think of why you're going to be investing the time and energy. It may be to afford an expensive mount...or a barn full of them. It may be to gear up alts, blow in taverns of ill-repute (Goldshire in Moon Guard, I'm looking at you), or just as a personal means of 'keeping score' on your way to the gold cap.

Having goals allows you to keep your eyes on the prize. When you know what you're working for, you're more likely to stay focused on achieving it. Most people will prioritize their activities based on meeting their goals, so ensure any goals you set are practical given your play schedule and other commitments...and just because they are stated, they aren't carved in stone. You may find your initial target to be too easy or too hard to reach in the time frame you want. Don't be afraid to adjust it accordingly. Remember the point of the game is to have fun and if you treating golding like a second job, well... there are times the ends just don't justify the means.

In a hypothetical situation, I'm going to plan on earning 30k to spend on a new purple toy for my priest. (Now that I read that last bit back, it sounds a bit rude, so just... don't think of it like that.) If my Scheme of the Moment(tm) nets about 2k an hour profit, so I know that I can devote a few hours here and there and achieve my slightly less undergeared alt in a couple of weeks without driving myself nuts.

As a side note, when you have a tangible reward that you're working toward (insomuch has pixels have tangibility), it makes it a LOT easier when you click that "buy-it-now" button on the Auction House.

Now, should you wipe yourself back to a zero balance when you make that purchase? Not at all! It doesn't take money to make money in WoW, but it helps a LOT. Your goals should include leaving yourself some cushion after big-ticket purchases. A number of market strategies require a bit of liquid lucre to effectuate properly, so leave yourself with options after the fall.

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