The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spirited Adventures

Monday nights are when my intrepid band of RL friends (Brian, Jacob, and the Rogers) get together for a little dungeon delving and recreational slaughtering. As I’m among friends, it isn’t unusual for a little alcohol to be poured. I’m a social drinker and by that I mean I drink enough for a small society. I popped the cork on a 1.5 liter bottle of Yellowtail Pinot Grigio and settled in for the evening.

My compatriots and I ventured into the caverns of Maraudon - Orange (twice) and laid waste to the various slimes and ambulatory plants that lay therein. Zyrial, our priest, has frequent mana issues and often stops to top himself off. I decided to make a game of it and every time he sat to drink, I hoisted my possibly-lead-tainted Shrek glass full of wine and drank deeply, thereby topping myself off as well. The only hitch was a party wipe due to an overpull of Leeroic porportions and a long delay as we made our way back. The delay was doubled as Karthex’s shield had broken and repairs were needed. I passed the time imbibing as Brian reveled in the opportunity to roleplay unimpeded by shooting things. (As a side note, Brian is a heavy RPer and we all love him for it. I, however, find it extremely hard to stay in character half a bottle of anything in.)

The third dungeon was Maraudon – Pristine Waters and was stunningly fun. The lush and deep pools made for fun explorations. By this point, my bottle was nearly empty and my ability to chat had been reduced to long strings of nigh-unintelligible typographical monstrosities. The dungeon run itself went incredibly well with only a few minutes of aimless wandering through the caverns lost as all get out. All total, the three runs netted Anyth a couple of nice blue upgrades that should last her another evening or two. The speed at which one levels with Refer-a-Friend bonuses is stunning—I think the gang is all around 46-47 now.

After we disbanded, I hopped back on as Strev, determined to earn my daily frosties. I may not have been able to see straight or communicate, but I wasn’t going to let that stand in my way. I’ve found that beyond an initial “hey”, most pugs aren’t really big chatters. I queued up as I mourned my empty bottle and I was shortly blasting my way through Uthgarde Keep. It was an insanely fast run and great fun, even if the tank did keep stealing all my aggro. I may not have been able to walk a straight line, but by gods, I could still slap the “1” key skillfully. This may say more about playing a mage than I intend.

Once I had tucked away my frosties, I opted for one final challenge: the dragon Chillmaw. Better known as “that cool skeletal dragon on the login page”, it was a challenge designed for a decent-sized group. Being a linen store to the wind, I decided I was going to try it solo. Reading up on it, I noted that when its health gets low, it spawns three additional “bombers” that, while having comparatively low health, can pump out serious damage to a drunken sorcerer unable to dodge.

The fight went something like this: trinket, trinket, buff, buff, buff, mirror image, bolt....”Wait. Where in the hell are my mirror images?” Apparently, I had missed the button. I corrected that and deperately bolted again and again, heedless of escalating mana costs. Chillmaw was now on me and devouring my mirrors like snack cakes. I got another shot or two in and the bombers spawned. I blinked, spun around, drank a potion, fired and killed me a dragon. The quest, however, also required the deaths of the 3 bombers. At this point another guy wanders up to watch.

I get lucky with a crit from a bolt, get a blast, spam arcane explosion as I hop through the other two, taking the second one down. Spin around and fire off an instant cast...just as I'm utterly obliterated. The spell finds its target, however, and I get the kill!

The graveyard was only a few seconds away and when I get back, the guy who was watching just said "Wow."

I replied, "You shoul;d nse e me ehwn I'm sober!”

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