The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The (Lich) King and I

Over the course of my explorations I encountered Creepy Ghost Kid (CGK) several more times. Each time he kept underscoring the hopelessness of my fight against the Lich King.

I tried pointing out that was patently obvious, given the hopelessness of my fights against the Horde, the guy on top of the Death Coil, dinosaurs, Hogger, and many small furry mammals. Not to be dissuaded, CGK took it upon himself to show me himself by transforming me into the Lich King during key points of his history.

The first of these was the battle against the demon Mal'Ganis. Given that I had no warning whatsoever I'd be piloting the Lich King's body like a vehicle with unfamiliar abilities and powers, it went rather poorly. At least I should say when Arthas originally engaged the demon, I'm certain it didn't end with him sprinting across Icecrown screaming, "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! DO OVER! DO OVER!"

The cooler transformation was the fight with Arthas against his own men. My goal was to slaughter a hundred of his troops (killhundredrats?) and raise them as ghouls. It was an utter slaughter and aside from a little mana management issue, they posed no threat whatsoever, which was CGK's not-so-subtle point.

Over the course of everything, I discover that the frozen lump I had found at the bottom of the Citadel was, in fact, Arthas' heart which he had carved out to remove the last vestiges of his humanity-- embodied in CGK. I reported this back to Fordring who was all "Well, let's go get it then!"

After scraping the seared flesh out of a "borrowed" Acolyte's hood, I donned it and joined similarly garbed guardsmen outside the Dark Cathedral, where a procession would be taking the heart. Fordring, the guards, and I slipped in and the worshipers apparently took no note of the fact their recruitment policies had grown noticeably lax.

We took spots at a pew and tried to look as inconspicuous as poorly disguised ardent followers of the Lich King could be and after a moment the heart was carried inside. Fordring made his presence known by bum-rushing the lot of them, and the MFLK himself appeared!

Very Important Dialogue Ensued as Fordring tried to determine if there was anything in the King that could be redeemed. Finding there was not, he cleaved the black heart in twain (I've always wanted to legitimately use that phrase) and all hell broke loose.

Fordring faced the King. The guardsmen faced the cultists. I faced absolutely nothing, because I'd be damned if I was taking off my disguise in the middle of all that crap. In the end, the Lich King began casting "The Lich King's Fury" and the survivors bolted through a portal one of our mages opened.

The Lich King survived our encounter, but at least we got rid of that damn kid.

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