The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Control Freak

Began the evening with the Brewfest dailies and totally botched the ram run, only delivering nine kegs of precious booze to the festival. My runs typically follow a ‘banana-shaped’ path allowing me to catch the two apple barrels along the path and, if things go horribly wrong I can usually tag the barrel by the keg-giver. This time, I managed to:

· Get stuck on a fence for a few seconds

· Not get credit for an apple barrel

· Hit 100 exhaustion while in the process of leaping over a barrel, giving me the 15 second debuff but with no exhaustion counter

· Annoy the keg-provider to the point where he won’t give me another barrel until I run off and come back

· Fall off a hillside.

In retrospect, it was a miracle I got as many delivered as I did.

Afterward, I grabbed a random party to slay Corin Direbrew for the billionth time and after he defeated 20 seconds later, I decided to stick around and explore the rest of the dungeon. It was amazingly fun.

It turns out I –had- seen the end of the dungeon years before, I was just pretty clueless at the time as far as what was going on. After navigating a few tunnels I made my way through the inky depths, fought seven spectral dwarven ghosts and discovered I –needed- that damn Shadowforge Key at some point. Further in, I obliterated a room with a thousand dwarves in it to grab a couple of torches to light braziers to open the final door (this is when I realized I’d been here before—my first run was very traumatic) and stood in the throne room with the dark iron King and his court.

Being the tactical equivalent of Conan, I went straight for the throne and attacked. Every single dwarf began rushing to the King’s defense as he started lighting me up. For the most part I ignored the throngs as I focused on the King. Once he was down to a fraction of his health, he became immune to my assaults and continued wailing on me. At this point I noticed I was nearly dead. I hastily shifted from “God mode” to “OMG! OMG! OMG! mode” and dashed around exploding everything I could while quaffing a potion and using trinkets.

In the end, the broken bodies of the dwarven consul littered the floor like dark iron scraps and I sat upon the throne proudly. Afterward I climbed down and back tracked a bit until I found the molten core entrance and broke off a fragment to attune myself. That’ll be an adventure for another day.

Back in Ironforge, I realized that I’d miss Thursday’s guild run for the weekly raid due to wifely commitments. Instructor Razuvious needed killing again and I really wanted the rewards, so I when I saw the opportunity to join a pug, I did so.

We met up in Naxx and it was a bit dicey—our tank was squishy and half of us died on trash before someone swapped out for a warrior. As we went along, we discovered there was only one person who had ever used the control orbs before. I was low man on the DPS totem pole (it happens), so I was volunteered to take the other. I reluctantly agreed, but assumed no responsibility for any fatalities incurred. They laughed and agreed. Silly pug.

After we made our way to the Instructor, I diligently positioned myself near the control orb and waited for the signal. When it came, I grabbed it and my consciousness was transferred into a death knight chained to something. With a odd array of icons now inhabiting my spell bar, I desperately started clicking things to see what would happen.

In seconds, the Instructor was charging the party and I was fighting hard to get control of the fight. Cyandra aside, I’m REALLY used to fighting from a distance and having to chase the Instructor down as it was wailing into the party was a bit embarrassing. The alternate tank started tanking and started screaming after a few seconds to pass off aggro. I grabbed the instructor, but my bone shield was still on cooldown. This would end poorly.

My controllee was slain and I flipped into my much more comfortable DPS role as the alt tank got the stuffing beaten out of him. Fortunately for all concerned, the Instructor was down to a sliver when we lost the second Death Knight and we polished him off without loss of life. I apologized and summoned a portal to Dalaran so people could turn in the quest.

It was a learning experience. The little pug learned never to let Strev near the control orbs.

Afterward, I ran my daily in Occulus (note to self: repair armor first thing today) and fished in the coin fountain until I achieved the Grandmaster Fisherman title.

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