The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Casting Spells

Continued my somewhat uneventful side pursuit of fishing and spent a goodly amount of time completely failing to dredge up the giant sewer rat. I did, however, manage to reach the 1,000 fish (1 kilofish?) achievement and raise my fishing skill to 300 in the meantime.

Fishing, while not the most rewarding pastime, does afford me the ability to watch videos without worrying about getting four other players killed due to my normal utter negligence and casual disregard for personal safety.

At some point I noticed I received some mail and, not expecting anything from the auction house, I went to investigate. To my pleasant surprise, it was a message from the gnomish King. Preparations were being made to retake Gnomeregan! After years of mooching off the dwarves while allowing somewhat weak enemies to "control" our home city, we were going to clean house!

I hastened to meet the King and he bade me enlist a few recruits and meet up with a few gnomes outside Ironforge and get everything ready. I danced with the drill sergeant, tested some rather dubious mechanical spiders, and detected radiation levels around the city. The hitch came shortly thereafter...

My new task was to inspire a few gnomes with some test speeches, but one of the gnomes wouldn't respond. This didn't seem to be just my problem, as there was easily eighty people clustered around the poor gnome each trying to complete the quest.

The mob mentality was actually a bit entertaining to watch from a distance, as none of the throng seemed willing to admit the quest was bugged and they should just try again in a day or two. Instead, chaos reigned supreme with bouts of screaming ("Everyone just stand back and let him reset!!!"), profanity, and general inanity.

Bemused, I listened to the nerd rage a bit before nipping back inside Ironforge to unload a few dozen things on the auction block and queue up to get killed a few times in the Halls of Reflection.

I should have just kept fishin'.

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