The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Arrived in Winterspring and immediately found myself with a number of tasks that wanted me to do absolutely anything except fight in Winterspring. 

NPC1:  “Go to the Plaguelands and deliver this MacGuffin” 
Me:       “No.” 
NPC2:  “Go back to Felwood and kill a few—“
Me:       “No.”
NPC3:   “Grab me a few Plot Coupons from Tanaris?”
Me:      “*stab*”
NPC4:  “HOLY CRAP!  You just killed that guy!”
Me:       “Yeah—got anything for me to do?”
NPC4:  “Go to—umm... that hill right there and kill 10 yetis?”

Now we were in business.  After some hunting around I found a couple more quests to do after exterminating the yetis, mostly dealing with killing more yetis, furbolg (furry humanoids), and avoiding certain death from Frost Giants as I stole crystals from under their noses.  All in all, it was not a bad time.

A little back story:  I visited Winterspring originally during my Festival runs, but before obtaining the flight path, I had to cross over from the only adjacent zone (Felwood) using a tunnel system heavily populated by a furbolg clan, the Timbermaw.  There are two commonly accepted means of doing this:  kill all the damn furry things in your path and never go back or take the time to impress them by killing rival furbolg clans and improve your reputation from “Hated” to “Worf on a Good Day” so they wouldn’t attack on sight.  I’ve never been one to make enemies arbitrarily, so I opted for the latter.  It was starting to pay off in spades.

Each of the furries I killed in Winterspring raised my reputation with the Timbermaw by a sliver and every now and then I’d get a curious trinket that began a quest—which required me to chit chat with a furry in the tunnels.  Well, they wouldn’t talk to me unless I was on at least “Neutral” terms, so I knocked out a few furbolg quests that could be viewed by an outsider as “racial purification” and after a short bit was able to turn in a solid chunk of quests taking me to level 57.

I did wind up revisiting Felwood to tidy up a couple of loose ends and it was with slight sadness that I returned to the frozen village.  With Winterspring’s quests now nearly dry, I knew my next stop was going to be the Eastern Plaguelands, but first one last fun quest.  After acquiring various yeti parts for a local goblin, she revealed her Master Plan to me:  a small mechanized Yeti to scare the crap out of a few of her friends.  I’d have to carry it around the world (literally), but it was for a good practical joke and was thus worth it.  Goblins screaming and running around while being chased by a miniature yeti?  Comedy gold.

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