The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Surely you joust?

Most of my time last night was engaged in getting a new lowbie set up for play for when a couple of married friends of mine I'll call "the Rogers" have paid up and become "legit".  Thus, Anyth the Night Elf Hunter was born. 

I really, really hate the NE starting area:   it’s too spread out and gloomy.  The land of Emo Elves.  Yeah, I had to get out of there fast.  Since Zyrial (Mr. Rogers, whom I've referred) and I will enjoy triple xp when we’re able to slum around together eventually, it made sense to at least move over to his starting area.  So at level 3, I began a grand adventure across Azeroth, mostly involving standing around and waiting for boats at various harbors.  After getting on the wrong one only twice, I eventually made my way to Stormwind and made Goldshire my home.

Twinking her up with a little gold, three decent packs (the last pack slot being used by an ammo bag), and heirloom shoulder guards, I filled a few random things with arrows and quit at level 4.

A note on the heirloom gear—I finally figured out that the only thing I could really buy Anyth of use with the currency I had was shoulders.  Everything else requires tokens that would come at a cost of upgrades to my main and I just can’t afford to slight him yet.

Took Strev through a few random dungeons and wound up for the first time in “The Trial of the Crusader”, a dungeon that consists entirely of a jousting arena.  After a few rounds of jousting, you have to best groups of increasingly difficult opponents with your skills until you fight the Lich King’s black knight champion.  Challenging, but rewarding…or so I thought.  Although I received none of the epic loot that dropped (which was fine—it was all vendor-bait to mages), I did get rewarded with a few “Champion Seals” which excited me, until I realized there was nothing I could buy with them of any use to me.

Through dungeoneering I did get enough Emblems to finally acquire my fourth piece of T9 armor, giving me a bonus to critical strike percentages that can only be described as “Wow.”  Hitting 4.5k GS was also a feel good moment.  As I’m not going for the 5th and final piece of T9 (no additional set bonus and it’s slightly worse than my current robes), I can go ahead and start saving up for the T9.5 set.

Gettin’ there.

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