The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Study in Scarlet

Began the evening with Strev for a quick run do turn in the last day’s worth of dailies for the Argent Tourney-thing, bested the champion and was proclaimed the Champion of Gnomeregan. I’m certain Mekgineer Thermaplugg will be tickled pink to hear. I eagerly await my parade when I return home, carried on the back of leprous gnomes. Anyways, this let me pick a new faction to become buddy-buddy with, so I picked humans. I figure they need all the help they can get. So I get to continue the dailies for fast and easy coin.

Flipped over to Shooty Aggro Girl (with Wolf!) and banded together with the Spastic Newbs of Azeroth to beat the living crap out of some religious nutjobs in their own temple, sort of a “World of Waco-craft”. We stormed the library twice, the armory, and finally the chapel itself. Over the course of a couple of hours, I learned vital things.

1) Wolves may not be trusted, ever. They are pack animals and are likely to bring back a pack of mobs with them as they chase down a lone runner. If a pack of mobs are not handy, in a pinch a boss will suffice.

2) Explosives are AWESOME! Considering my running sidequest of “Steal Aggro from Tank, Take a Shot” (it’s a repeatable quest), this is helping loads. Charge into battle while firing multishot, drop a trap, disengage and fly backwards a fair clip, then fire off another multishot and I’m starting to complete with Myrial’s blizzards for widespread pain distribution.

3) I need to seriously review my mana management or get an engineer to come up with a conjured water-based IV drip I can wear into battle.

Now at level 36, I need to review talents, glyph up, and so forth—fun weekend research. I’ve got some pages bookmarked; time to use them.

After we called it a night, I popped back on Strev for the sole purpose of collecting those two frosties that have eluded me for days. Popping my robes and pants into my pack, I queued and fifteen minutes later, I found myself in… Pit of Saron! Not a cakewalk, but very doable, even with a sub-optimal group, which is precisely what I had.

The healer was vastly undergeared for the instance and the tank, a gnome warrior (some people really do make them, it seems!), had serious issues with aggro control. This combination led to two team wipes against the first boss, a guy I’m used to steamrolling. By that point, I’m a little annoyed and the other two DPS drop party. I decided to stick it out and we quickly replaced them with a paladin and a druid, both apparently off-speccing. I love seeing these two classes in my groups more than any other. We buffed and charged into the fray.

We started knocking chunks off our adversary quickly, when he pulled out his first ‘special’ move—a random person gets smacked with “Soul Corruption”, creating a ball of EVIL energy that will utterly devastate a clothie and will heal the boss when it collides. Unfortunately for all concerned, the targeted individual was the boomkin standing four feet to my side, just off camera. Insta-gib and for the third time I’m tasting the floor. Sigh.

That was our new party’s only ‘whoops’ moment and the rest of the dungeon went flawlessly. We even trounced the Devourer of Souls in a record time!

Happily tucking away my prizes, I returned to Ironforge and fell asleep waiting for the parade to carry me home.

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