The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Meter Reader

I’m getting a lot more confident with the heroics as I team with more random groups.  Although last night saw no new useful gear drops (and I remain perpetually slighted by the RNG when it comes to miscellaneous loot), I remain hopeful as the week progresses.  If nothing else, I continue to gain reputation with the Wyrmrest Accord thanks to a nifty tabard I picked up.  Once I get far enough in their good graces, I’ll be able to purchase some very nice shoes.  You just can’t sell shoes to anybody, you know.

I’ve found a new bane:  the DPS meter.  Every now and then someone in a group I’m in will ask for a DPS count and at least half the time, someone has some add-on that reports the % of damage each person has done total.  I already have anxieties that I’m not doing “enough” towards earning my keep on these runs, but now immutable numbers are presented.  To my credit, I always beat out the healer (thankfully.  That WOULD suck) and tank and am usually the 2nd highest damage outputter, but it seems like an unnecessary stressor.

Aside from the dungeon runs, I’m consciously working towards finishing the tournament aspirant quests and hoping the payoff is worth it.  Otherwise there aren’t any “daily” quests that are “must do” for me.  I think the next week or so is going to be casual exploration and clearing out old dungeons as I slowly gear up, so my updates will likely start coming less frequently.  There’s only so many “Ran Gundrak x2, Violet Hold, Halls of Lightning x2” posts I’ll subject someone to.

Unsurprisingly, I’m starting to collect achievements, although it isn’t all consuming (yet).  The most ‘fun’ are the completely unintentional achievements for doing something stupidly tricky in a boss fight in a heroic dungeon, most of which have been accomplished by doing things “the wrong/hard way”.  “We get an achievement for burning down the boss without targeting his minions?  Sweet!”

Need to find a good cash generator during the ‘off’ times—there’s a considerable amount of gear calling to me from the AH that costs thousands and at some point I want to try out an arcane spec to increase my single target damage output—although I think my blizzards are pretty nice right now.  Add another couple of items to my “research later” queue.

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