The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Space Liches

*Bit of a short update as my normal playtime was superseded by Hamlet—the one with Tennant/Stewart.  I note I was pleasantly surprised as I went into watching it expecting a taping of a stage performance.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Tennant was brilliant, but at the end I expected him to regenerate into Macbeth or something. (“Horatio!  Get me into the TARDIS!”)

Logged on to run a dungeon and “finish” Nagrand and hoped to accomplish both tasks in little time.  Found myself in the Mana Tombs with a competent and fast team, which is all you can really hope for.  Given that our Hunter’s pet was named “Dungeonwipe”, I was honestly expecting the worst.  By the time we had arrived at the final boss, a giant spectral gay guy (well, an effeminate space-lich with impeccable manners and a fruity voice), we had a solid rhythm going and we splattered him without loss of life or limb.  The prize was a rare bow that no one needed and I wound up with by luck of the draw.  Dungeon rares are, for the most part, bound on pickup to the looting character, so it’s just a few gold from a vendor instead of hundreds on the auction house.

Speaking of gold, I had been looking forward to my next ride upgrade until I read up on it.  Apparently I’m going to need to come up with six kilogold to cover training fees for flying an ‘epic’ steed (5k) and “cold weather flying” (1k), the latter being a requirement for aerial transit in the Lich King expansion area.  This hurts…a lot.  Presently, I’ve only got enough for the cold weather flying and with level 70 fast approaching, I’m going to have to blow it on that.  I refuse to travel in two dimensions in an area that allows for three.

Turning my attention back to the matter at hand (must level…to live!), I flitted around and killed elementals in Nagrand to complete several quests for people who REALLY hate elementals, collected supplies for people who REALLY needed supplies, and burned the bodies of slain villagers for people who REALLY should be institutionalized.

Ended the night by hitting level 67 and leaving Nagrand for good.

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