The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fight of the Valkyries

Made my way up over the next mountain range and upon investigating the inside of a cave, accidentally find myself embroiled in a very long and entertaining quest series, most of which has me traipsing along in disguise as a giant blue warrior woman as she proves herself in combat to the village. 

As I progress through a martial tournament, I find myself having to do side quests to progress through it.  “You may have bested a few challengers—but you have no bear for The Pit of Fangs!”  The diversity of the quests continue to mark this as an outstanding expansion.  Flaming arrows while riding “bear back”, rescuing tethered drakes and flying away with villagers held fast in my mount’s talons, this arc has had it all.  The culmination was the best killtenrats I’ve played to date.

Flying a drake on auto-pilot, circling just below a temple atop the tallest mountain peak, I was tasked with besting ten (of course) other riders in combat.  This was accomplished by firing a HARPOON into the other drake, swinging over to the back of my prey, and nuking the hell out of the rider from point blank.  After knocking her off the mount, the new drake was mine and time to lather, rinse, and repeat.  After besting the last, a harpoon into the temple wall sent me sailing onto the floor before a giant throne, where a servant of the olden titans sat.  After skimming through lore-filled diatribe, I’m supposed to do something Pretty Important next, maybe save the world or kill a few frost giants.  I’m a little fuzzy on the details.

Knocked out a daily dungeon, hit level 78, and called it a very early night. 

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