The style of writing does vary from time to time and often may be viewed as self-indulgent prattling. There are many times I am horribly, horribly wrong or miss certain painfully obvious things. Some would say this adds to the charm. Likewise, grammatical and typographical errors likely abound. There is no excuse for this aside from sheer laziness.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The 7 People You Meet in PUGs

The 7 People You Meet in PUGs 

The Go Guy
Battlecry:  “Go!  Go!  Go!  Gogogogogogo!”

Usually an impatient DPS who thinks the tank is taking too long between pulls.  Pairs well with Insanotank.

The Insecure Tank
Battlecry:  “Is everyone ready?  Are you sure?  I didn’t hear from the one guy.  Let’s do a ready-check.”

Probably spent most of his early life soloing.  His presence will sometimes cause The Go Guy to spawn.

The AFKer
Battlecry: *none*

No one knows why he clicked ‘join group’.  He hasn’t said anything since he entered the instance—or even moved.  Once this might have been an annoying way to leech xp, but now that the party can vote to kick a teammate, it is a wonder they still bother to join.

The Gearsnob
Battlecry:  “Vote to kick Healsu.  His gearscore is under 3k.”

Remember, kids!  It isn’t skill or ability that determines your worth as a teammate:  it’s an arbitrary number based on the relative value of your equipment.  Probably bungeed out of the womb in full epic gear ready to tank a 25-man raid.

The Brain

Battlecry:  “OMFG!  YRU tanking as a ret pally!?  Bad enuff the mage is wasting Aoe on 2-pulls and the healer is shit. GTFO”

Forming the cerebral core of the team, the Brain is a master tactician who knows exactly what you’re doing wrong and how you should improve his gameplay.  Having such advanced knowledge frequently leaves him unable to express himself using full words or proper syntax.  The fact he is often found playing a class he sucks at is considered ironic.

The Drinker
Battlecry:  “Waitaminute—need to mana up.”

This guy knows it’s bad to go into battle as a caster with little mana.  What better way to ensure you don’t run out than by topping yourself off after every fight?  It only takes 30 seconds to down a whole bottle of refreshing liquid and he’ll only try to do it 50 times…  Mana efficiency is for the weak!

Battlecry: *none*  To utter a battlecry would waste precious time!

No challenge is too great for Insanotank!  Insanotank will conquer the instance with as few pulls as humanly possible!  Insanotank must smash!  Insanotank cares not for the mana needs of others!

To be fair, if you can keep up with Insanotank, you’ll pull down xp really quickly, which is good since you won’t have time to loot the bodies as you’re dashing to catch up to the next cloud of mobs.

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